How you would you become? if you face something you can't deal with, a very complex, complitaced and mandatory problems with so many consequence that can also bring you drown you to bottom, you can't either find the root cause since it very well covered in unreachable hidden place...
Mittwoch, Dezember 07, 2011
Donnerstag, November 17, 2011
Blogging is one of the perfect way to express what we really feel if you can't find someone to talk or trusted to.. maybe for some reason.. and for some people might thought that what i feel right now might reach insanity.. why? because ... not everyone can understand what we really feel or even could know and predict what exactly inside our mind ... i dunno i feel like i enjoyed "for being hurt" is this a condition that i should always feel?? or i just became so addicted?? if this so wrong why its keep happening? do you have the answers? the truth is hurts, for being honest is also a big burden to carry... but if not telling the truth will getting worse... so face the truth what ever it is...
Freitag, Juli 20, 2007
Donnerstag, August 26, 2004
Huah, bored! ngapain lagi yah! pengen nerusin update nih blog... masi ancur :( tapi blom ada ide lagi *fiuh* huah, sepi, and mulai ngantuk nih... ;( kayanya gwe balik aja deh.. si ade juga udah ga onlen! ga ada temen curhat, balik aja kali yee.. ;D
Mittwoch, August 25, 2004
Today's gue pulang pagi 07.00" bbwi mpe kost, tipam mpe jam 11.00" hueheu, trus bangung mandi and makan, trus ngeweb mpe jam 3 trus ngantor lagi, chat ma si ade.. dapet ade nih hihi, ya seneng deh bisa share ma kamu de.. ;) gutluck yah! i wish u all the best deh.. semoga semuanya jadi lebih baek okay! ;)
Dienstag, August 24, 2004
aku iseng lagi, jam segini masih dikantor chatting hehe ;) curhat2an sama cewe i just barely knew about her, but it was nice conversation, we share and talk about anything, mostly with experience that we've been thru in the past, nice to know u "als" eventhough i didn't know your realname is ;)